Friday, November 18, 2011

Meeting S A J Shirazi

Syed Asghar Javed Shirazi
It has been a long time when I was blessed with a phone call by Sir Shirazi who has been a blogging tycoon from Pakistan. He blogs at Light Within, Logic is variable and many more. He has been writing for Dawn, Pakistan Today, The Nation, Spider, Friday Times, Hilal and many more. I am unable to mention here what he liked in "Boots and Laces" i.e. my travel blog. But I felt myself in air when I heard such an appreciating remarks from such a great personality of my country.

He invited me to join him for a cup of tea. This meeting had been being postponed for about four months but finally i managed to get the time for this cause. Here starts the grim lines about reaching LSE and finding his office.

I started from UET by an auto rickshaw. Till Saddar Chowk, it was a bit easy. But LSE is situated outside the city and I was new in Lahore so I had to call him about three time and still blank about the way. At last I told rickshaw driver just to drive on Barki road. I am unable to express here all the stuff going on inside my mind. But finally after the half hour journey I was at the gate of LSE.

No comments about Lahore School of Economics. Sir Shirazi welcomed me with open arms in his office. There was lot of formal and informal stuff discussed there. This is perhaps a great natural cause that brids of a feather flock together. One can expect the formal blogging discussions like socio economic share of blogging, SEOs, conversion of time space into economic space etc. But there was much more except these formalities.
There are some people like water, some like air, some like blue sky, some like clouds. But Sir Shirazi is a person like flood. He is going on and never stopping like my 2 year old nephew. He is learning, studying and applying it when ever, where ever and what ever chance he gets. Rest all is like clear blue waters at Saifal Mlook lake.

I must say thanks for the tea and lunch at his office.  

1 comment:

S A J Shirazi said...
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